The mystery of those who inhabit the Outer Worlds

Who are these creatures that threaten our world?

Little is known of these elusive and powerful creatures as they often work in lies and deceit, lurking in shadow and masquerading as our kind. Few are known by name and even fewer by appearance as thouse who have had the misfortune of seeing an Outer Gods truest form have surely met their end. Though, through extensive research, information on a handful of specimen has been collected for this electronic journal to serve as a written warning to those who have burdened themselves with this fruitless information quest. With the help of countless occult journals and studies, there are currently 3 Outer Gods identified by modern esotericists. Firstly, the Squid God Cthulhu, secondly, the Final Void Azathoth, and lastly the Cannibalistic Mother Cxaxukluth. Little is known of the power these creature possess, but these creatures present most frequently in human occult imagery and rituals. Cxaxukluth specifically holds a large cult following, finding weak minded prey to indoctrinate and herd into its hivemind, seemingly a prefered way of capturing prey. Comparatively, Cthulhu and Azathoth seem less inclinded to interact with human kind, using animals and weather patterns as their preferred way of seculding and capturing prey, though they all have a degree of human worshippers. When it comes to ritual practices, the Gods differ greatly. This is a fantastic way of differentiating what beast you may be dealing with. While Cthulhu and Azathoths worshippers may engage in the occasional sacrifice or blood rite, they seem to keep to themselves, not wanting any sort of outside interference. Cxaxukluths worshippers take a different approach. Many rituals of devotion involve human sacrifices with intiricate mutilation or dismemberment. It is unclear if this serves a purpose for the ritual or if these are trophies of devotion. Cxaxukluths followers also often cannibalize their victims, believing it grants them some sort of boon while also following in the footsteps of that which they worship. Cxaxukluths influence also spreads much faster than its peers as its followers often take on a social or political role, indoctrinating more victims to feed the herd. Not much more is known of the innermost goings on in these groups and it is advised to not go looking for oneself, lest you stumble into something you're not prepared to face.

"The gods of the outer hells that sneer at the feeble gods of Earth! Look away, flee, go back! Do not see, do not see! By whatever means, flee and never allow these foul creatures into your mind. They will rip and tear through concious thought til all hold on reality is lost. An excruciating death at one's own hand is a godsent mercy in comparison."

I think I have encountered an Outer God or one of its followers, what do I do?

It is said that those who attempt to contact an outer god are most blessed when their correspondence is ignored. If one happens to have their call answered, the only step to be taken henceforth is ones own swift end. Failure to do so will no doubt result in experiencing pain and suffering unknown to the human mind, or worse.

If you believe that you may be in the presence of an Outer God or one of its followers, follow these steps to the best of your ability if you desire to retain any semblance of sanity.

If any of these steps are ignored or completed incorrectly, it is encouraged you end your own life as quickly as possible to avoid whatever fate is ahead of you. Remember, once a god of the Outer Worlds has entered our realm, there is no saving it. We are nothing in the eyes of the Outer Gods.